Thursday 31 October 2019

Tide advert

Stereotypical representations are used to target lower-middle-class women who are expected to be using these products. 

'Tides got what women want' -double meaning, sexual connotations appealing to men.

The use of white colours in this advert connotates purity, words 'cleanest,' 'whitest' and 'brighten' are in bold.

Composition of the poster follows Z patterns. 

Levi Strauss structuralism- the other the competition of products.

Roland Barthes- hugging the washing detergent, proairetic code. 

New family mum
lower middle class

'50s and '60s were the birth of feminism, the oppositional audience would reject this. The negotiated audience would like the product but say it misrepresents them.

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