Thursday 31 October 2019

Water aid- representation

Ethnicity- Wateraid ad subverts conventions by not representing Africans as desperately in need, they are represented as empowered to an extent. This is because WaterAid understood that the target audience had become desensitised to such tragic representations- George Gerbner. However, there's a lot of loosely framed shots of Claudia which represents women, ethnics and younger people as alone and vulnerable- could be used to play with the audience's emotions.

Age- younger people are seen playing in the ad but it then cuts to Claudia walking past to get water. Perhaps trying to say that in this country you're expected to grow up fast.

Gender- Female representation is quite stereotypical- Claudia's costume, women washing. Men are working in the fields. Reflects Van Zoonen's theory? However, the women in the advert are seen as quite strong, carrying buckets, pumping waters. The number of women in the ad suggests their importance. The close-up shots of Claudia make her dominate the frame and she has confident facial expressions and body language.

Places in Africa- Very stereotypical, the dry fields and isolation. The shared conceptual roadmap (Hall) helps the audience to easily recognise settings.

The use of Claudia's name on twitter and youtube etc connotes she's real, make representations feel as real as possible.

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