Friday 17 January 2020

woman initial analysis

verisimillitude- the respective reality, the rules of a films universe. lord of the ring's versimillutude would be broken if a character pulled out a machine gun.

-Follows the Z format
-Floral costume- conventional, stereotypical of women
-Makeup- hegemony
-Quoted a man to define women, patriarhcal- binary opposition between silent woman and Alfred Hitchcock is talking- Van Zoonen male gaze theory
-Alliterative lexis 'seven star' dumbs down, suggests immaturity
-Lack of copy suggests stupid
-Predominantly white copy- connotes innocence and purity
-Lexis are you an a-level beauty? reinforces hegemonical values of beauty, suggests women have to be attractive to succeed
-Elements of narrative; happy main character invites audience to also live a happy life.
-Clearly edited image- extremely white teeth, eyes and clear skin. Heavily air brushed to look more stereotypically attractive.
-Limited range of colour, but a pastel colour palette which looks slightly washed out- pastel popular in 1960's
-Improvements for your kitchen suggest contemporary women were required to stay at home and clean.
-secondary audience men who wish their wives were like this- hegemonically attractive
-short and practical hair- not for fashionable women, 'mum hairstyle'
-the masthead is highly informal as it looks like handwriting, looks childish but connotes a stereotypical representation of beauty women need
-worlds greatest weekly- highly hyperbolic
- face fills the frame and is framed by the layout, shows concentration on looks
-target audience can identify with how nervous she looks
-dress is conservative and lacks glamour
-face functions as a proairetic code suggesting she is going to laugh
-patriarchal hegemonic values suggest she should be constantly present herself in a certain way.

a big close up is when a face fills the frame

woman magazine was first published in 1937, which makes it an established magazine, so had been published for17 years at the release date of this cover and is still going today.

this edition was published in August 1994,  it is a weekly magazine. it cost 7p= 80p in today's money. women magazine became very popular after ww2.

in the 1960's women's lifestyle magazine reached a sale of around 12 million copies a week- 3 million a week of which were 'women' customers.

this magazine is an example of mass media, it appeals to a mass audience- the paper represents the dominant ideology of the time.

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