Wednesday 29 January 2020

creme puff advert- woman

four different types of question-
media language

extra theory- george gerbner
symbolic annihilation is where an entire group is not represented in a media product.

breeze advert-
-assumes women are concerned about feeling fresh, being treated 'kindly', feeling 'feminine'- concerned with making decisions about which soap to use but not necessarily more important issues.
-assumes men aren't concerned about these things
-suggests women have to have hair and makeup done at all times- even in the bath
-aspirational image
-example of patriarchal hegemony

to what extent is audience response to media representations, influenced by social, cultural and historical circumstances? make reference to woman magazine and adbusters.

the audience is positioned by the producer as someone watching this women put on makeup, which is confirmed by the use of a midshot, this encodes a sense of voyeurism which is reinforced by the man watching her as he walks up. This use of mise-en-scene and positioning demonstrates van zoonen's male gaze theory as her purpose in this ad is to be looked at as a spectacle for heterosexual men. A patriarchal hegemonic society is further exhibited by the anchorage, the copy creates the impression that women must wear makeup to be good enough, the lexis use of declarative sentence moods and hypophora tells the female audience what they need to look like and what they need to look like this- which assumes a lack of intelligence and that women's purpose and only goals are to be attractive. this is socially acceptable as it was (and still is) the dominant ideology that women should wear makeup. the anchorage encourages the audience to focus on the proairetic code of her applying makeup rather than the potentially hermeneutic code of him walking up to her. it is implied that without makeup she is ugly but with it she's 'perfectly lovely again.' This use of lexis demonstrates the final stage of todorov's theory, the re-equilibrium.

the man is voyeuristically creating a spectacle of the women it is reinforcing the idea that women are there to be looked at, the woman is being watched by him, the audience and herself. 

three-way intradigetic gaze reinforces the woman's status as a spectacle.

the mise-en-scene of the man's suit functions as a symbolic code for his wealth and class, the audience will decode this to the ideology that if you buy this product you can attract the ideal man like this.

the woman's costume connotes she wants to be seen and is out and about not just slumming it at home.

in order to be sexualised you have to be found sexually attractive.

aimed at middle aged women- target audience.

the layout looks like a film strip, representing the woman in the advert as a filmstar and offering that fantasy to the audience.

preferred reading is that this is a meet-cute, aligning with the film theme but an oppositional reading would be that he is creepy- this is prevented by the anchorage.

female is passive male is active

a stereotype is a commonly held belief of certain people.

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