Monday 25 November 2019

The Daily Mirror

Newspapers are a form of escapism for audiences, so the stories need to be interesting.

'if it bleeds it leads' -if the circumstance is dire it will be a leading story. 

Hard news is big, serious news whilst soft news is minor happenings. Tabloids use soft news and broadsheets use hard news.

Intertextuality is where one text references another. For example; a tv show quoting a film, or scary movie referencing scream or other horror movies. Parody is a genre completely based on intertextuality. 

Why use intertextuality?
- Relatable
- Spotting them brings pleasure
- Financial reasons
- Attracts established audience
- Allows for a double mode of address
- Demonstrates ideologies of producers

A double mode of address is when two audiences are addressed separately in a media product, for example, children media products including adult jokes children won't understand.

Examples of intertextuality- Eastenders, referenced as enders. Assuming audience recognise colloquialism and are familiar with character 'Hayley.'
Word 'Mayhem' references Theresa May and action/war movie. Constructs ideology brexit is like world war 3 and May is destructive.
'Thug' references crime genre.
The paper is incredibly biased and anti-conservative.

Ideology is generally used to describe the ways in which those in power use their power to distort meaning. An ideology can be used to normalise the dominant ideas of the ruling class.

The two broadest political ideologies are left and right wing. Right wing ideologies tend to favour privatisation and lowering taxes- they focus on the money and state controlled systems, individualism, whereas left wing want state ownership and higher tax- they focus on the people and free market, this is collectivism.

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