Wednesday 27 November 2019

Constructing representations

Ideology is encoded into products by the producers.

Having a clear ideological bias helps the paper to attract and construct audiences for financial reasons, it is also used to manipulate audience into believing their ideology so they can benefit.

All media industries are motivated by power and profit.

Most newspapers in the uk have right winged views, the daily mirror and the guardian is left wing.

Broadsheets are more quality or serious based journalism aimed at middle social class, they have plainer layouts using long, more detailed articles with serious headlines that focus on politics or international news.

Tabloids are the 'popular press' aimed at working class audiences with bolder, more dramatic layouts for audience appeal. The articles are shorter with lots of puns and jokes and not much in-depth reporting. The stories are human interest based with use of gimmicks such as bingo games, free travel tickets and phone-in surveys.

Polysemy means multiple meanings. In newspapers producers tend to avoid polysemic readings, the process of forcing an audience in to a particular reading is called anchoring.

Anchorage is the fixing of a particular meaning to media text often through the use of captions.

How can bias manifest?
-Through selection and omission
-Through placement (more important stories are on the front)
-By headline (lexis used)
-By photo (caption camera angle)
-Through use of names and titles (referential)
-Through statistics and crowd counts
-By source control
-Word choice and tone

Use of names and titles, referred to as worst pm
By photo, looking down as if n defeat or shame
Headline, emphasises it's importance
Layout- having list of points one after another makes list of things he's done wrong seem longer
Word choice and tone- brackets add comical effect and make tories seem laughable .             

Wordplay in lexis makes it comical- labour are laughable.
The image represents him as a chicken- a playground immature insult.
The biased selection of image make him look frightened and stupid
The use of the word 'this' in capitals dehumanises Corbyn further.
Leading question pretends to give audience chance to answer and decide.
Use of nickname Jez is derogatory

Insulting them so much makes it easier to understand and decode for the audience- the assumption is that the audience is stupid.

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