Thursday 18 June 2020

repetition and difference- valhalla

Repetition and difference, and the importance of genre

"genres are instances of repetition and difference...difference is absolutely essential to the economy of genre" (Steve Neale, Genre, 1980)

Task: watch this video, making notes on how Ubisoft have used generic conventions and production contexts to maximise profit while minimising risk

You can use the following headings:

Repetition and difference: how will ubisoft ensure that assassin's creed valhalla minimises risk and maximises profit?

in order to be successful a media products would need to repeat some genre conventions for familiarity but also need to offer something new and different to audiences. -steve neale theory

this is something Ubisoft are quite clearly demonstrating this with the assassins creed theory.

media industries are st up in order to do things in the least risky way possible -david hesmondhaulgh theory

It makes intertextual links to other successful games

the elder scrolls- Skyrim (left), extremely successful despite being made 9 years ago
the witcher 3- wild hunt,  recently had a Netflix adaptation series, old but also successful
Valhalla- knows they're successful and used what makes the generic conventions that made games successful

setting- broadly nordic Viking setting, the witcher three especially makes ispolish and pays a lot of attention to European myths and legends. ubisoft paid attention and have presented a game which takes in a lot od nordic mythology 

It demonstrates generic fluidity

we can apply Steve Neale's theory again

what we can see from announcements Ubisoft have made about valhalla is that this game is going to be completely open world. it's also going to have elements of multi player in it as well- recently other games have done this and been extremely successful, thus far assassins creed has been a completely single player game. 

It will repeat what made previous Assassin's Creed games popular

they'll repeat things te assains cred series does that are popular with hardcore fans and audiences, one secondary reason is that the games have a significant amount of historical accuracy, altho they obviously take a lot of artistic licence.

for example in unity there's an extremely intricate well done representation of Notre dame, it was so historically and well researched that the data from assassins creed was partly used to help develop the new Notre dame. in assassins creed you get a history lesson.

It will come out on the next generation consoles and current-generation consoles

Xbox one, series x, ps4, 

planned obsolescence- the original consoles have become obsolete as new consoles have come out so people need to spend more money.

it allows people to target a core installed audience who have the Xbox one and an updated audience which have the new ones

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