Tuesday 5 May 2020

formation- representation

In today's lesson, we shall be exploring how black identity is constructed and represented in the music video to Formation. We shall also be exploring the purpose of Formation, and its political messages.

The conclusion we shall make is that Formation resists stereotypical representations of black people by presenting black identity as complex and challenging

Top tip - in your own essay responses, point out your conclusion in the introduction. Remember, in media studies, you are making an argument

Task - watch What Beyonce Taught Me About Race | Brittany Barron

Formation as a reaction to historical racism

In the last session, we explored the Antebellum South and slavery. Slavery was finally abolished in North America in 1865, following the collapse of the Confederacy and the American Civil War. However, despite being illegal for a relatively long time, there still exists great discrepancies in the rights and lives of black and white people in America (and many other countries).

The act of owning another human being seems bizarre now. So how was it ever justified in the first place? One answer is that it was justified by flawed, racist scientific assumptions.

Task - study the above image from Types of Mankind (1854), and answer the questions below:

  • What assumptions are made here about black people and white people? 
That your race affects your skull and brain, leading to the false conclusion that black people aren't as smart as white people because of their race.
  • What purpose does this image serve?
this image sets a hierarchy within society, attempting to establish white people as 'superior' intellectually and visually, the picture of the black person next to the monkey compares the two suggesting black people are a mix of human and chimp which is incredibly racist.
  • Consider the sociohistorical context of the time this image was created. What is this image attempting to justify?
It's attempting to justify the treatment of black people from a false biological standpoint, it's suggesting white people have a right to treat black people as less than because of their genes and fictitious stunted iq.

Formation as reappropriation 

Reappropriation is the process of taking an offensive word, concept or idea, and then changing the meaning of it.

Task - analyse the above image using the textual analysis toolkit, and answer the following questions:

  • What ethnicity/ethnicities are being represented in this image?
African American
  • What media language is being used to represent these ethnicities?
They're represented as rich and powerful due to the use of mise-en-scene. The white extravagant outfits connote that they are wealthy which is reinforced by the colour palette of the setting- red and black. The fans act as a symbolic code for power and all of the women supporting Beyonce are holding one. Further wealth is connected by the lavish sofa, extravagant wallpaper and framed pictures.

The use of camera shot also represents them as powerful. The women fill the frame asserting dominant and the mid-shot positions the audience as sitting opposite- they are faced against this group of rich and powerful women which highlights it. All the characters are utilising a direct mode of address to assert power and confidence.
  • What ideological message is being constructed about ethnicity here? Is it simple and straightforward, or challenging and complicated?
The ideological message is challenging and complicated, the use of reappropriation demonstrates the convoluted history of black people and makes it impossible for this to be a straightforward representation. They're taking the place of empowered white people who oppressed them whilst defeating oppression.
  • What impact does this image have on the young, black, female target audience?
it inspires and sets up a role model figure, it holds lots of racial culture and teaches young black women to embrace said culture and be proud.
  • How can we apply the concept of reappropriation to this image?
The use of mise-en-scene makes clear references to the antebellum era- a time of struggle and distress for black people, which juxtaposes with the power and confidence they hold in the shot.

Formation as a criticism of the response of the US government to the Hurricane Katrina disaster and its aftermath 

Last time you researched the US government's response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Since this is already in the bag, you will want to have a little more context, so as part of your wider reading, watch this documentary on the government response to Hurricane Katrina. 

Formation as a celebration of black culture

So all my red bones get on the floor
And all my yellow bones get on the floor
And all my brown bones get on the floor
Then you mix it up and you call it Creole

Task - read Beyoncé, Creoles, and Modern Blackness by Tyina Steptoe

In this article, Steptoe argues that Beyonce has rejected "monolithic", as in simple and straightforward representations of black identity, and instead presents a range of disparate and complex black identities for the audience to engage with and to identify with. 

While watching clips of the video and TV performance, I was struck by one particular aspect of the new song – Beyoncé’s rejection of a monolithic blackness. In the lyrics to “Formation,” Beyoncé does more than proclaim black pride during a particularly tense period of race relations. She also highlights the diversity that has historically existed among African Americans.

Task - analysis of black identity

  • How is black female identity encoded in this image? Make reference to hair, costume and mise-en-scene in particular
  • What ideological message is presented to the young black female target audience?
  • What impact does this have on the young, black female target audience?

  • How is black female identity encoded in this image? Make reference to hair, costume and mise-en-scene in particular
Beyonce is wearing braids which is a famously black hairstyle, in fact these days cultural appropriation laws deem it only a black woman's hairstyle due to reappropriation so it fits perfectly with formations themes.

Her costume of a fluffy white coat is unapologetically bold, it makes a loud statement reflective of strong black women's impact. Her bright jewellery reinforces this.

The way she's hanging out the window connotes she is proud of how she looks and wants to flex and be bold. 

The sparse chipped wall behind the car connotes that they are in a 'ghetto' area, land black people were forced onto by marginalisation and oppression, but they are no qualms in regard to that. 
  • What ideological message is presented to the young black female target audience?
to be unapologetically bold and proud.
  • What impact does this have on the young, black female target audience?
it condemns any insecurity or self-loathing as a result of racism and encourages self-love

  • How is black female identity encoded in this image? Make reference to hair, costume and mise-en-scene in particular
the curls in her hair was something associated with black women and condemned in the past as a result of racism. it was a metonym for black culture resulting in racism. here she is clearly proud and embracive of it encoding the ideology that black women should embrace their culture.
  • What ideological message is presented to the young black female target audience?
  • What impact does this have on the young, black female target audience?

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Music video revision

  Music videos are not products, they are adverts for products. They're generally freely accessible and free in price. In America they&#...