Friday 28 February 2020

woman brand identity- catch up

“Brand identity is how a business presents itself to and wants to be perceived by its consumers.”

What essential aspects must be considered when a brand constructs its brand identity?

  • preferred reading (stuart hall reception theory)
  • audience positioning
  • models used
  • colours
  • mode of address
  • lexis
  • strapline
  • brand name
  • logo + graphics
Vogue covers A-list celebrities whilst in Woman magazine, the woman on the front cover is practically unknown. The model on the cover of vogue also has on more professional and exaggerated makeup, meanwhile the other has quite minimalistic and basic makeup. The mise-en-scene of each models' facial expressions differ in terms of how comfortable they both seem, Sophia Loren looks straight into the camera with excessive charisma whilst the model in woman mag looks slightly nervous and seems to be trying too hard to look happy. 
Vogue establishes more drama through the clothing and accessory of which are probably of an exotic brand, this connotes classy international and diverse fashion sense, whilst woman mag clearly stays local-centric with its fashion sense, focusing on the minimalistic yet homely look of British women. 
Sophia Loren also has a much darker skin tone, which again beg the idea that she is 'exotic', new, different and exciting. Woman mag however lacks representation of any racial diversity, with it's symbolic annihilation, purely looking at heterosexual, middle aged, white women. 
Vogue mag uses ambiguous vocabulary, relying on its sophisticated lexis to allure the reader. Any copy of the magazine is completely overshadowed by the image, forcing the reader to be intrigued by the mystery of what they will be covering. Woman magazine is rather straight forward, however, in its front cover copy, making sure it is highly visible to the reader, whilst also directly informing the audience what exactly they will be covering.

Monthly glossy high-end fashion magazine targeting middle-class women 

Strong, confident mode of address – cool and she knows it
Lack of clutter – stylish and chic
Bold, exclusive lexis
High end, unobtainable fashion choice
Exotic and challenging mise-en-scene
Aspirational and middle class

weekly woman’s lifestyle magazine targeting working-class women 
Friendly mode of address – your mate from down the road
Cluttered cover emphasises fun over fashion
Inclusive, laid back lexis
Easily approachable fashion choice
Model is approachable, maternal every-woman
Mise-en-scene familiar and obtainable
Familiar and working class

To what extent are Woman and Adbusters examples of specialised and institutionalised media products? Make reference to their distribution and circulation.

Institution: an organisation with a specific brand identity

Since its launch, Woman has competed with Woman’s Own (Newnes) and Woman’s Weekly (Amalgamated) to be the top-selling title. The three great rivals ended up as sister titles when their companies merged to become IPC. Their sales peaked in about 1959, at about 2.6m, 3.1m and 1.8m each.

In 1937 Odhams (now IPC) opens printing plant in Watford, Herts with Speedry Gravure Process for colour printing. Woman launched weekly in June with low cover price, 2d, for a full-colour magazine. Within a year, the title was selling 500,000 copies a week.

IPC- international publishing corporation 

The International Publishing Corporation Ltd was formed in 1963 following the merger of the UK's three leading magazine publishers - George Newnes, Odhams Press and Fleetway Publications - who came together with the Mirror Group to form the International Publishing Corporation (IPC). And IPC Magazines was created five years later, in 1968. The Field, launched in 1853, joined the IPC stable in 1994. IPC was acquired by Time Warner in 2001 and was renamed Time Inc. UK in 2014 after Time Inc. acquired the company in connection with its spinoff from Time Warner. Shortly after Time Inc.’s subsequent acquisition by Meredith Corporation in 2018, Time Inc. UK was acquired by Epiris LLP and rebranded to TI Media in June 2018.

it is mainstream, as shown on their website by this quote; 'Over 40 iconic media brands that captivate and inspire millions of people every day across print, online, mobile, tablets and experiences.'

'There are many ways to work with us; advertising to our audiences, renting lists from our customer database or acquiring our content or images.'

They now represent magazines such as Marie Claire and the horse and hounds.

Key theory 12 – power and media industries – Curran and Seaton

  • The media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the profit and power
  • Media concentration limits variety, creativity and quality
  • More socially diverse patterns of ownership can create more varied and adventurous media productions.

Woman magazine is BASIC and has BORING coverage.
They do this purposely to manipulate women to be as simple and as straightforward as possible, through cultivation, leaving men at the top of the hierarchy.

Woman magazine gives its 'tactics' on how to survive life to women, as if their life were a game or a war and that they must fight other women to come out alive. Survival of the prettiest, possibly.

The mention of 'A-Level Beauty' gives the impression that the target audience are guaranteed to be at a level of which is not advanced, and can only reach that level if they are to follow the instructions or 'tactics' of the magazine. This is extremely condescending and establishes a negative ideology that reinforces a patriarchal ideology that states that only children are cute and so to look girly and cute, women must aspire to look as young as possible.

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