Monday 24 February 2020

inside 'woman' and the 60s

in the 60's-
mini skirts started
contraceptive pill
new music genres- rock/metal, indie
the beatles
rebellion, time of change

woman demonstrates the hegemonical patriarchal society they lived in,

ideologies are values and beliefs.
hegemony are rules in society we voluntarily follow with no prompt from the law.
anchorage is a technique that gives a photo meaning and context within a media product.
the dominant ideologies are the views upheld by society.

David Gauntlet- theories of identity

audiences are not passive and media products allow the audience to construct their own identities.
often referred to as the pick and mix theory, pick out the parts we like and ignoring the parts we don't like. audiences can pick and mix which ideologies suit them and completely ignore the elements of the products we don't agree with.

-kitchen is personified- giving it a 'present'
-lexis of 'your kitchen' suggests it's a woman's responsibility to have a kitchen.
- £1 then=£8 now
-prices suggest working class, but variety of pricing strategies suggest they're marketing to a broad audience
-articles written in shorthand- missing out information and words to simplify it- positioning audience as stupid.
- 'needs a handy man' suggests woman can't do it
-article focuses on look of it not practicality
-'get the man in your life to glue the unit together and then paint it' - assumes each woman has a man, heteronormative + monogomos

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