Monday 24 February 2020

adbuster second double page spread

As a theme adbusters lacks anchorage and general context, not told where sao paulo is. The Producer's assume the audience know a lot or can google it.
The woman remains unnamed with minimal anchorage.

The mise-en-scene of the woman's wrinkly hands demonstrates an excess of water. The image is luxurious in comparison to the water shortage in Brazil creating a binary opposition- but it is not a luxurious. To be so, it could have more water, bubbles or more of the woman could be shown. This advert is completely subversive of stereotypical representations of women- she is not portrayed in a sexual manner and the focus of the photo is that she is in the bath- but the purpose isn't to challenge representations of women, it is to showcase the inequality in society. 

It is the binary opposition of the febreeze ad.

It contrasts with the second page of the double page spread with the theme of water.

Zucchetti is a luxury brand of tap, it is beyond 'gucci' and 'prada' as it isn't based in fashion or appearance it's household appliances for people to spend £300 on a tap. There is a luxury lifestyle being sold alongside this tap.

A lot of people could buy this tap but it's very unlikely someone would unless they are upper class.

Representational issues-

Active audience response
-preferred reading is to feel sorry for those in sao paulo and to think zucchetti is unnecessary  
-audience will be unsure of sao paulo and context around the ad so they will go and google it and potentially look into the matter further
It assumes you know what a capitalist ad is about but is an anti-capitalist paper aimed at an anti-capitalist working class audience.
Adbusters is a print magazine but at the same time is a multi-media experience, audiences are encouraged to google topics. The fact it is a multi-media experience 
Traditional representations of gender
traditional representation of females are subverted by the photo of the woman, she is naked but only stereotypical non-sexual parts of her body fill the frame- you can't even see her face and evaluate her beauty. 
Commodity fetishism
Media language

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