Tuesday 15 October 2019

Wateraid and postcolonial identities.

The process of enforcing one's culture onto another country.

Berger suggests that an advert functions by selling the audience a lifestyle, but what lifestyle is being offered by the WaterAid advert?

To be happier and satisfied with ourselves as you get to help somebody in need. The empty landscape mise-en-scene with no cars or buildings exhibits the lack of advancement, encouraging people to donate. Her costume is also rather tattered and bare compared to first world countries.

The audience is positioned as middle British class people seeing Africa with Claudia. By donating the middle-class white demographic get to feel better about themselves when after being shown helpless African's feel responsibility. 

One criticism of the Binary opposition in this advert is that it creates a divide between 'them' and 'us'- this is called othering.

Paul Gilroy, theories around ethnicity and post-colonial. 
Key theory 11 

In his book 'ain't no black in the union jack' from 1987, Gilroy explored the uncertainty left in the UK following the death of colonialism. Though the British Empire collapsed Gilroy argues we still uphold many subtle racial predjudices- which are ideologically encoded in the media products. We are now living in a post colonial world- Gilroy theorises- where black and white represent a blunt and ideologically manipulative binary.

The use of close-up positions the audience in front of the girl, so close that they could help her. This makes the audience feel responsible for her and her struggles. There's a direct mode of address with the usage of eye contact and first-person lexis, this reinforces the sense of responsibility as the audience is being singled out and can't avoid the issues. The name 'Nancy' is very stereotypically British, it's a reminder of the colonisation Britain was responsible for. In addition, it makes it feel as though the consumer could be in their position and will identify instead of blaming her. Finally, it allows the audience to connect with her as she has a name they can recognise, instead of foreign name un-understandable to a British audience.

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