Tuesday 29 October 2019

Media Language

Go with the flaw (2017)

Initial close up shots with music build enigma and suspense
Positioned as the character- clear from the mid-shot of him sitting and the zoom.
Non-diegetic sound of the film being cut is a hermeneutic code
The music intensifies a laborious task- selling an exciting lifestyle from the start
The tape takes away the glamour introduced as the music fades and makes the audience feel as though they can access the lifestyle he has and identify with him.

Uses static camera movements to help the audience to feel like they're there and create a sense of freedom
Direct mode of address using lexis, using imperative and repetition of 'GO'
Introduces character with setting you can identify with- waking up in unknown place, but then twists this as he raises himself with a dance movement. This offers a free lifestyle and gives the audience a new perspective on how to do things. This perspective is highlighted by the shots- in line to below to wide
The shot is anchored by the text 'go with no plan'
Wide shot- symmetrical. Buildings in the background represent working-class average life. Whilst he is in front of this and separate.
Lots of practical and ambient lighting suggests this lifestyle is attainable and re-enforces theme of being natural and not conforming. Also a convention in advertising.
blotching on footage re-enforces this too.

See woman lounging in bed- the audience can identify with this.
Yellow lighting suggests happiness and also tells the audience it's daytime but she's still in bed- she's living in an ideal lifestyle.
Black curtains separate them from this lifestyle and make them want it more, the audience is positioned as someone entering.
Not fully dressed just like other characters. They're not controlled or limited by clothing. They choose this brand to be free.
Mid shot of her stretching highlights her figure, audience is set up to look up to her and appearance before they're shown her flaws, re-enforcing the message that your flaws aren't something you should focus on.
Women is cooking- stereotypical.
Close up of her face, highlighting her mono-brow. Your flaws are not something you should hide.

Change to blue lighting keeps the audience interested- binary opposites
There's another identifiable, everyday setting which makes the message of just being you and not caring a reoccurring theme.
|Fruit is a symbolic code for being natural

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