Wednesday 18 September 2019

Introduction to advertising

Introduction to advertising

Thing that make up a genre

Everything you can see in a shot

The purpose of an advert is to sell a lifestyle, the Berger theory is that the purpose of advertising is to make the consumer mildly dissatisfied with their life.

Key theory 1
-Roland Barthes, semiotics

The study of meanings.

Three key parts of semiotics are the sign (anything can have a meaning), the signifier (something that creates meaning) and the signified (the meaning that is created).

Flowers- Pink, feminism- attracts demographic, beauty- makes consumer envy her. Rose next to face- compares the way she looks to a rose. Red rose suggests romance, her face is romantically appealing? 

Clothing- red gloves- ladylike, suggests maturity and properness. The ideal woman? 

Model- In mid 30s, target audience is 30+. Her holding bag over her chest suggests abstinence and properness which is what psychographic aspires to be. She fills the frame- if you this product you'll be the centre of attention. Direct mode of address builds relationship between brand and consumer, this alongside mid-shot makes consumer feel as though they're in front of her and they're in her world (this is emphasised by the flowers enveloping the camera) this makes the product feel far more attainable.

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