Friday 11 December 2020

humans marketing

Wednesday 9 December 2020


 jean baudrillard suggested that 'we live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning' evaluate the extent to which this postmodernist statement applies humans.

step one- underline key terms.

this forces you engage with the concepts and lets you easily come back.

evaluate- not arguing, not disproving EVALUATING

postmodernist- hyperreality 



step two- knee jerk reaction

instant honest response

it's clear you need to evaluate, but even if you don't get prompted like this you'll have to demonstrate a point of view.

choose ONE side and ONE point of view, don't change halfway through- have conviction. use one clear and coherent argument


humans is a postmodern text, synths are hyperreal version of humans. we can see this is an element of bricolage, borrowing from other texts that are humans. (odi? breakfast scene)

the narrative is paradoxical and fragmented- allows more for information and less for meaning (non-linear, conv for sci-fi?)

representations in this are contradictory and polysemic 

(ANITA- both challenging and stereotypical

-an ideal women (gender performativity)

-also a creepy synth)

now in media, there's much more information, with no black or white fundamentals- grey.

can be harder to tell the difference between what is real and what is not SIMULACRA

is humans itself a comment on the attraction to the hyperreal over the real?

step three- plan

your plan can take any form- MAKE SURE IT'S INCLUDED

you can get marks for it.


-the key theme of ai in the form of synths is hyperreal, this bricolage borrowing from texts in the forms of actual humans is an example of simulacra. odi and the breakfast scene as reference (also links postmodern themes of identity and tech., man v machine, conformity v individualism) SYNTHS AS SIMULACRA

-the narrative values information over meaning using hermeneutic and proairetic codes for spectacle, this conventional non-linear narrative (also relies on audience understanding of sci-fi to decode)

-gender representations GENDER PERFORMATIVITY are both challenging and stereotypical, hegemony, patriarchal society and intertextual references to connote fear and creepiness around the character of anita and her fellow synths

step four- introduction


definition of postmodern


knee jerk reaction


release date , channel etc


Postmodernism is a concept defined by several aspects, an exploration of such a concept offers many further studies, with this, comes hyper-reality. Hyper-reality offers a perfected version of reality that, in fact, does not exist. In postmodern culture, the boundaries between the real world and the world of media have collapsed. The 2015 show humans, imitates and reflects this culture with its use of narrative, representation and simulacra. The hyper-reality it includes and exerts offer vast amounts of information for its audience to decode, but can be seen as to lack true substance. With the 21st century broadcasters now 'narrowcasters' it easy to recognise these concepts and Jean Baulliard's conclusion as a fast-track used by channel 4 to target the niche audience. 

step five- paragraph structure

one way to structure-


Evidence- where you can bring in media lang, tech codes and scene analysis

Argument- develop point more, bring in theory, concept



The characterisation of the five synths represented in the first episode of humans is a key example of hyperreality and postmodernism. The synthetics offer a perfected modification of a human, that doesn't actually exist. This use of simulacra is exemplified in the scene where Joe and the youngest child purchase Anita. Close up tracking shots are used of Anita's case being unzipped which builds tension and connotes to the audience that whatever is packaged is of great significance. This is reinforced by the diegetic sound of the zip, which plays on the audience's senses and alerts them further, the metallic noise could also be a reference to the industrial, unnatural 'birthing process' of Anita, edging a sense of a postmodern criticism of metanarrative. Before being revealed to the audience an ideal, hyperreal representation of Anita has already been established. This narrative build-up is resolved when the synth is finally revealed. The use of a reaction shot before a shot of the subject tells the audience how to feel, this use of editing encodes a reflection of the hyperreal culture we currently exist in- she is joyful over a product of simulacra and with it so are the audience. A low close up of Anita's face is used that highlights her hegemonically attractive features and the mise-en-scene of the plastic packaging, serves as a cultural-religious reference. This use of costume is important as it both represents hyperreality in one piece (a godlike hyperreal suggestion that is actually just a piece of plastic) and encapsulates the second example of a criticism of a metanarrative- Christianity. 

We can further link this costume choice to Butler's notion of gender performativity, it is hinted that Anita is the 'perfect woman' from this first shot, in biblical culture a symbol of a motherly figure was the head robe that is replicated upon Anita. We can link the characterisation of the synth to Mary the virgin as not only does she become a mother who didn't birth her children (by filling in the role of Laura), she is also represented as sexually innocent throughout the episode. Particularly when Joe slips the '18+' manual into his crotch pocket whilst she mindlessly irons. To refer to Freud, this is the 'madonna' aspect of Anita's performativity. Whilst the shot-reverse-shot flitting from Joe's face to Anita's behind offers up the 'whore' side. Overall this hyperreal performance of Anita and her gender critics the world's attraction to the hyper-real, the audience is positioned to admire and appreciate Anita due to her established importance and with it are challenged. 

-- go to the blog and find the revision guide, using this pick a question under humans and plan a response

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